
A self-generating longboard

Chargeboard is the first  longboard that generates its own electricity through two dynamo’s in the rear axles.
When you ride the board it stores the energy right away into a powerbox. When you’ll take a break, you can flip your board and it turns into a docking station.
Now you can charge your phone and play music at once with your self-generated green energy!

 “Full CHARGE ahead: High-tech skateboard powers your mobile – and doubles up as a speaker.”

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 “Chargeboard: dit skateboard laadt je devices op én is een rijdend soundsystem!”

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 ” Bjorn van den Hout gooit hoge ogen met Chargeboard, zijn afstudeerproject aan de Willem de Kooning Academie in Rotterdam.”

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 “Slim: longboarden én tegelijk je telefoon opladen.”

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 “Skateboard charges devices, triples as a boom box.”

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 “Chargeboard generates kinetic electricity to re-energize your phone.”

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 “Awesome! Een longboard die je telefoon oplaadt en muziek afspeelt.”

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 “Opmerkelijk: Longboard die je mobiel oplaadt.”

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Chargeboard in Innogy commercial 2018

Longboarders love to listen to music and
cruise long distances on their boards

But there's one thing they don't like


Copyright © Bjorn van den Hout

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