
How do you keep young Dutch men (16-24 yrs) at a safe distance while lighting fireworks around NYE when they don’t care about rules and regulations (especially when those rules come from the Dutch Government)?

The realization

To keep our target group (consisting of 747.000 Dutch young men) at a safe distance while they’re lighting fireworks, we’re making them use the one thing they love most; their mobile phone.

The solution

To encourage them to use their mobile phones even more around NYE, we developed a video app that replaces the sound of a firework explosion with a special ‘Biem’ sound effect. Videos were ‘Biemified’ when filmed from the instructed safe distance.


– 2.090.244 video plays (within 5 days)
– 50.135 app downloads (within 5 days)
– #2 most popular app in the Google Play Store
– 120.021 ‘biemified’ videos (within 5 days)
– But most important; the target group was lighting fireworks from a safe distance without even realizing it.

 “Hoe de Rijksoverheid een vuurwerkcampagne maakte met Dumpert en de ‘Biem’-meneer.”

Bekijk het artikel

 “Rijksoverheid – Biem By GREY, Amsterdam”

Bekijk de case

 “BIEM! Rijksoverheid en Grey scoren met vuurwerk-campagne.”

Bekijk het artikel

 “Dutch GovernmentThe BIEM App”

Bekijk de case

Google playstore recensies

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