Effie Awards


The submission period for the Effie Awards was approaching, and advertising agencies needed to be informed so they could submit their most effective advertising campaigns. The Effie Award is, after all, the prize in the advertising world awarded based on demonstrable results.


Whatever you do in your life, whatever you have achieved, your mommy is always proud of you, no matter what has become of you.


Unlike your mommy, the Effie Awards assess you based on the effectiveness and results of your work. That’s why we launched the activation campaign:

Unlike your mommy, we judge based on results.

A special direct message

Creative directors were surprised with a special direct message. Their ‘so-called mothers’ brought their son’s forgotten lunchboxes to work. The receptionists then delivered the lunchboxes to the creative directors. Inside the lunchboxes, alongside a tasty sandwich, was a small note from their ‘mother’: ‘Dear sweetheart, you know I’m always proud of you. I think you’re the best in your field. You’re my star, whether you win that Effie or not! Best, Mommy.'”

Creative directors were then reminded through an EDM that the end of the submission period was drawing near, featuring the videos below.


Copyright © Bjorn van den Hout

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